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“Buy” The Numbers

26 Feb

In case you don’t live in Rochester you might not know that we had a major sneak attack snow storm on Friday. This was disappointing because I was all geared up to do some serious estate sale shopping. Not one to be deterred by the snow I ventured out and found some real gems. First I got an old christmas tree stand for 5.00 which you can see here (notice the snow):


Then I went to a sale just around the corner, this place was jammed with stuff. I headed right to the basement, I feel like its where the best stuff is. Then I found what might be the start of something spectacular at IBB. Stuffed between a bookcase and a an old stove was a vintage paint by numbers scene of a barn and rolling hills. I liked it, but wasn’t sure if it was something I needed to have. I left the sale empty-handed and headed to Barnes & Noble where I could read as many home interior magazines as I want for free. That’s when I saw this:


Ugh! dang it! I knew I had a good idea. I think this was printed in Coastal Living or something like that. A whole wall of old paint by numbers. This person has a Sea theme, which makes it even cooler. I’m not sure how you folks feel about this idea, but I really like it. So the next morning I was back at the estate sale digging around in the basement for this the paint by numbers which I got for 2.00:

I’ve got a long way to go, but its a start.

Show Some Spirit With Vintage Pennants

22 Feb


Instant Vintage Souvenir Pennant Collection

Here’s a little something that I’ve started to keep my eyes open for- vintage pennants . They come  in great colors and eye catching fonts that might be just the right thing to jazz up some of your neglected wall space. You can even choose to purchase them within a theme. Could tourist attractions like Niagara Falls and Howe Caverns be your thing? How about colleges and universities, or maybe even summer camps?

The best thing about them is that they aren’t incredibly difficult to find or expensive. I just got some myself 3 pennants for 25.00. The ones pictured above are listed on Etsy 18.00 for all four. Now that’s a steal.