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WPA Posters

5 Feb

I ordered a reproduction Works Progress Administration Poster for the hallway near the bathroom.

Hall Picture

The space has been blank since I moved the Charles Allo print from there to the dinning room.

I’m a big fan of the WPA Posters because I think they are a great combination of vintage and modern. Created on the verge of modernity, yet right in the midst of Great Depression they provide a unique juxtaposition of the old and the new.  During this time the US Government employed out-of-work  artists to create these posters in order to publicize community activities, national parks as well as health and educational programs. The Library of Congress has a phenomenal online collection, worth your time if you have it to browse. The best part- they are copyright free since they were created for the American people!

This one, for the New York Municipal Airports is one that I’ve had my eye on for a while and I finally found a good price on a large reprint from Café Press, an on demand printing company. It arrived yesterday, and I ‘m very anxious to hang it. Looking at the item’s record in  the Library of Congress there is no artist listed to associate it with, only that it was printed around 1937.


City of New York municipal airports No. 1 Floyd Bennett Field - No. 2 North Beach.


Here are some other cool ones that I  noticed browsing the LOC catalog.

Amateur contest for children Final eliminations, Sept. 24, 1936.

Amateur contest for children Final eliminations, Sept. 24, 1936. Estelle Levine

Better housing The solution to infant mortality in the slums /

Better housing The solution to infant mortality in the slums. Benj Sheer

Father & son banquet

Father & Son Banquet. Albert M Bender

44th annual exhibition by artists of Chicago and vicinity--The Art Institute of Chicago

44th annual exhibition by artists of Chicago and vicinity–The Art Institute of Chicago. John Buczak.

 Who's who in the zoo Illustrated natural history prepared by the WPA Federal Writers Project : On sale at all book stores, zoos, and museums.

Who’s who in the zoo Illustrated natural history prepared by the WPA Federal Writers Project


Plains farms need trees Trees prevent wind erosion, save moisture ... protect crops, contribute to human comfort and happiness /

Plains Farms Need Trees. John Dusek.

Happy hunting! Also, in doing this research I came across this book which looks interesting which I will be adding to my wish list. But, if you’re interested as well it looks like a great resource to add to your library.