Deadbeat Blogger

2 Feb

I have not posted in quite a while. The reality of the situation is that there really hasn’t been that much to talk about. After the kitchen was finished off this summer, school started and I was dead to the world for about two months while I worked feverishly to get back in the saddle in a new school and with a new content area. Then the holidays came and my focus was diverted again. Now that its January I thought I’d update and bring the blog readers (if there are any of you left) up to speed.

First and foremost, the magazine article I mentioned forever ago finally came out this fall. I was really thrilled with the exposure and felt really validated after all my toil on the house. It was photographed by Girdley & Graves and  published in the spring issue of Small Room Decorating and will be on stands until February, 24th so it’s not too late to get a copy.





In November I got a great deal on  beautiful Jenny Lind style bed for the spare bedroom at an antique shop nearby.


And in December I tore open the attic floor and installed two light fixtures. One over my kitchen sink and another over the bathroom vanity.



And so that’s pretty much all that’s new. Exciting huh?

Truth is… I’m working on saving up for the driveway and want it done as  soon as the weather breaks the spring. So  a lot of frivolous house projects have taken a back seat. I am tired of talking about it, looking at it and trying to shovel snow off the uneven pavement. I’ve saved half of the money so far and am in a good position  to be ready by May. I should say though, that I’m not putting in crushed stone. I’m just going to pave it and be done with it.

There are a few pre-approved items which will be completed during the project freeze and those are refinishing the floors over Spring Break (myself) and once the driveway goes in I’m going to make some minor modifications to the short front walk and steps, mainly revolving around new pavers and replacing the short aluminum railing with a more appropriate wooden one. This fall I will also replace the oil furnace with a favorable financing deal from NYSERTA which is actually going to be saving me about $100.00 a month, rather immediately. Lastly, in the further off future I may look into finishing the attic in to a master bedroom and small second bath.

And that my friends, will be a wrap. I’ve got to stop tinkering and learn when it is appropriate to call it quits. I’ll be nearing the maximum return on investment value  at that point but with a healthy lead. Which might just lead to bigger and better things down the road.

I’ll also encourage you to follow along on Instagram at Ittybittybungalow


10 Responses to “Deadbeat Blogger”

  1. Miriam February 6, 2014 at 5:58 PM #

    Bradley, I’ve been checking in at your blog for a long time, but have never commented. I’ve made a note on my shopping list to buy this issue of Small Room Decorating — kudos on your inclusion!! Your house looks awesome, and I can’t wait to read the article. I hope that, even when you consider it “a wrap,” you will leave this blog up even if you rarely post. I have gotten so many ideas from the renovations you’ve made, and still love to go through your before and after photos for inspiration. It’s a good reference site for making the most of small rooms. Would also like to see how the yard looks as time goes by and plantings mature. Understand your wanting to come to the end of house projects, and the resultant blogging about the details, but do hope you’ll maintain your presence by leaving Ittybittybungalow accessible, and perhaps updating from time to time.

    • ittybittybungalow February 7, 2014 at 7:37 AM #

      Thanks Miriam! That is very sweet of you to say. I will continue to post as things progress!

  2. Jayne February 7, 2014 at 3:54 AM #

    Your house looks so great! So much style and personality. I just love, love, love the colors you chose, the accessories, and the way you mix vintage and modern. How cool that you were featured in a magazine!

  3. Marcia February 17, 2014 at 11:56 AM #

    Where can you buy this magazine? Stopped by Eastway Wegmans yesterday, but they don’t carry it.

    • ittybittybungalow February 17, 2014 at 11:58 AM #

      I know the Wegmans near me had it, I also know that Barnes & Noble has it but it has been on stands for awhile and I don’t think they replenish them.

      • Marcia February 17, 2014 at 12:11 PM #

        I will check at B&N and maybe the Pittsford Wegs. Thanks much.

  4. Miriam February 24, 2014 at 12:57 PM #

    Bradley, I dashed right out and snagged me a copy of the magazine. It was so special opening up the pages and seeing your house. Of course, I would have liked for them to show more “before and after” pictures so readers would realize the magnitude of the transformation, but just the inclusion of ittybittybungalow was quite an honor, and certainly well deserved. All in all, I was as proud of the magazine spread as a grandmother! One final comment: while your entire kitchen is a charmer, I was especially impressed with seeing once again those shelves you installed — quite nice! As for any future posts you might make on this site, it would be interesting to see how you are utilizing your basement for storage, as I imagine you have tweaked that space over time, and also showing how you access it. And, as mentioned before, the maturing of the backyard and its plantings. Oh – and an annual Christmas lights post, just to say Merry Christmas! Miriam

    • ittybittybungalow February 24, 2014 at 1:49 PM #

      Thats a great idea! thanks for the support- its good to know that there are people out there reading this!

      Can’t wait for the winter to end so I can get back out in the garden. Do you a lot of flowers at your house too?

  5. Katherine February 27, 2014 at 10:21 AM #

    Congrats on being in a magazine! That’s an awesome accomplishment and the bungalow looks amazing in there! Also, that Jinny Lind bed is sooooo gorgeous! If I didn’t already have more bed frames than I could ever have people in my house I would love to have one just like it!


  1. This Old House | Ittybittybungalow - August 28, 2015

    […] photo shoot took two days and was shot with folks who had worked with me in the past during the Small Room Decorating Shoot. Gridley and Graves did a phenomenal job making my house look better in the photos than it actually […]

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