The World Outside The Bungalow

10 Sep

I thought we could take an IBB field trip this weekend and check out my old classroom, and explain where I have been the past few weeks.

Things haven’t been so good lately. I didn’t blog about it, but at the end of last year I was laid off since our school district was having a budget crisis… again. Then a couple of days before school began, in what seemed like a Christmas Miracle I was rehired and placed back at my old school.Horray!

I setup my whole classroom.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Then they said they made a mistake and I was laid off again two days later and had to pack everything up.  Later, on the first day of school, I was rehired again and placed at a new school. So now I’m at night school and the hours are 12-7. Which kinda stinks. I don’t really have a room anymore, I just use a day school teacher’s. This is not really working out so well for me, but the kids are really great and its a small school so I think It’ll be ok. I’m a little bitter about the whole thing. However, things are looking a little better now so I thought It might be an appropriate time to share the story and let readers know where I’ve been the past few weeks.


The bathroom light is out of order.

more on that later.

8 Responses to “The World Outside The Bungalow”

  1. Karen Anne September 11, 2011 at 9:25 AM #

    Hi, I’m sorry… At least you have a job. Things seem about half and half now among my friends, half have managed to get jobs, half not. And neither political party does anything to address this, like doing something about outsourcing.

  2. jayne September 11, 2011 at 10:04 AM #

    I’m sorry you had the ups-and-downs in your job. A similar thing happened to the daughter of a friend of mine, who teaches in the Kansas City School District. She got a letter saying she was laid off, then a phone call saying that was a mistake, then showed up to work and was told she didn’t have a job. 😦 I’m glad you have a job, even if it isn’t exactly what you’d like to be doing.

  3. BiGTOE September 12, 2011 at 4:57 PM #

    I can’t help you with your job, but I can help with that ugly bathroom Li snafu. Looks like you need some drywall, a tic tester, wire strippers, wire nuts and a new fixture. Email and I’ll see what I can do…

  4. Karen Anne September 13, 2011 at 4:01 AM #

    What are you teaching at night school? Is that midnight to 7 am? Noon to 7 pm?

  5. Cheryl September 20, 2011 at 3:54 AM #

    Is it the Rochester School district you work for? If so, it figures.
    Have you ever considered teaching in a rural school? I would have loved to have had you for a teacher at Victor Central!
    You have done such a wonderful job with your home…I can only imagine what a super job you do with your students!
    I wish my husband was half as tidy and industrious as you are! 🙂
    Hang in there..good things are sure to come your way.

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